COMPANY: I Love This Journey
LAUNCH: 2018
MISSION: To create immersive events, retreats, campaigns and merchandise to inspire, explore and embrace the deeper realm of ourselves through Art + Creative Expression + Collaboration, while loving our journey.
HERSTORY: I am an Arizona native. I was born and raised in Phoenix. I graduated from Maryvale High School with a full-ride scholarship to Arizona State University. As a first generation graduate, I graduated with a Bachelors in Interdisciplinary Studies from Arizona State University. After my BA, I went back to school for Fashion Design and Merchandising at Mesa Community College. I am the oldest out of seven children and my whole family lives in Arizona.
For many years, I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur and found myself talking my way out of it. It was the ego creatively telling me what I was capable of doing or not.
What motivated you to launch the event planning business?
For many years, I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur and found myself talking my way out of it. It was the ego creatively telling me what I was capable of doing or not. I visualized becoming a motivational speaker, fashion designer, celebrity stylist, hip hop dancer, jewelry designer, fashion blogger and throughout the years it has evolved into different professions relating to one thing, creativity.
January 11, 2018 I found myself on the floor crying and praying to God to give me a platform to inspire others when in all actuality I needed the inspiration for myself. My life was in a whirlwind of mixed emotions with my personal and work life at the time.
“I Love This Journey” came to mind and I ran with it. I remembered as soon as the name came to me I visited the GoDaddy website and purchased the domain name. It was meant to be. We are all on the journey of figuring out our life purpose, learning, overcoming obstacles, celebrating successes, mindful living, parenthood, building friendships, strengthening, patience, experiencing love, sorting through our emotions and the list goes on. It was an aha moment for me and I held onto the domain name and the thought of registering my business for many months. The thought became a reality after a bittersweet moment in my life—a breakup.
How difficult has it been to develop your business from concept to launch?
It has been a beautiful journey for me so far with the support I have in my life today. I am thankful for my amazing friends and family, businesses of their own, who have been mentoring me throughout the process. There are challenging times such as figuring out how I am going to get funding for an event, consolidating ideas, building a strong foundation, articulating a strong mission and vision, gaining loyal clients, finding the right partners and time management. I love these moments because they are learning opportunities. I’ve learned to manage stress by mindful living practices, ask for help, attend workshops or start-up programs like Seed Spot and Start Up Kite, or researching about similar businesses like I Love This Journey.
Currently what is your strategy for promoting your business?
I am currently promoting my business through social media, networking, social mixer events, podcast and magazine interview opportunities and word of mouth. Sometimes, I will provide flyers for my upcoming events.
What challenges have you faced as an entrepreneur?
There are multiple items such as time management, consolidating my creative ideas, funding, creating
partnerships, building a strong customer base and creating a strong foundation for my business. I am
constantly learning on the go.
Dear entrepreneur, you are enough! You have the tools to create and succeed in everything you wish to accomplish. We were placed on this earth to express our ideas, presence, thoughts and goals.
Have you experienced additional challenges as a woman of color, if so, how did you handle it?
I have not experienced any challenges as a woman of color. The artists, partners, and leaders I have come across have loved the concept of my business. Not to say, I will or will not experience it in the future. If it does happen, God will guide me on how to approach and handle the situation.
What advice do you have for other aspiring entrepreneurs?
Dear entrepreneur, you are enough! You have the tools to create and succeed in everything you wish to accomplish. We were placed on this earth to express our ideas, presence, thoughts and goals. If you need help, do not be afraid to ask a friend, mentor or complete stranger. Deep down, everyone wants you to succeed even if their actions do not show it at the moment.
Listen and follow the signs that are given to you. You know it’s right when you have the fulfilling moments of clarity. We are creators of our life journey, make the best of it. Remember, it is your story! Love this journey of challenges and beauty. Imagine where you would be if you started your entrepreneurial journey when the thought, passion, love first came to you. You got this!
What is your favorite quote?
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” — Marianne Williamson
For information on Tiesha and I Love This Journey, visit
I just wanted to say thanks Tiesha for leading me to this resource by posting your article on Facebook! As a fellow Arizonan I hope to meet up with you at some point. Best wishes on your endeavors!
Mignon Gould
Welcome to Art of preneur Rebecca! If you need any assistance navigating the platform, feel free to let me know!